Motivation, the ever-used excuse for why we never do things.


There’s a big misconception about motivation that I think we all need to understand.


It isn’t something that we need to rely on.


It isn’t something that only a certain few are endowed with (although some do have reasons to be more motivated than others).


And it isn’t something that can’t be cultivated.


You see, motivation is a feeling.


And like any feeling, it comes and goes.


When you feel motivated, you’re more likely to get things done.


So, it’s important we know how to promote feelings of motivation.


Here’s four ways you can do just that.


I know what you’re thinking already…


“But I need to feel motivated to work out


Well, sort of.


Yes, it is easier to work out when motivated.


But working out actually increases your motivation.


Taking action inspires motivation.


Not the other way around.


When you don’t feel like working out, that is precisely the time to work out.


You need to break the cycle at some point, otherwise you’ll be waiting on the rare occasion you suddenly feel motivated to do something.


Imagine if we only ever done things when we felt like it.


You wouldn’t get much done.


And you probably wouldn’t even get out of bed in the morning.

Stay Connected to Your Goal

Keep reminding yourself of your goal, and what it is you’re trying to achieve.


And why you’re trying to achieve it.


Motivation needs a direction, and once we lose that direction it’s easy for it to fizzle out.


Write your goal down and remind yourself of it frequently.


Have it somewhere easily accessible, like on a bathroom mirror or your work desktop.


You don’t have to shout it at yourself in the mirror each morning, but even a small reminder a few times per week can go along way in keeping you motivated.

Keep it Small

Your overall goal can be as lofty as you like.


As long as it’s realistic and attainable.


But the bigger the goal, the further away and harder it can be to achieve.


This long road from point A to B can quickly drain our motivation.


A way to work around this is to break your goal down into small achievable chunks.


When we achieve something, we feel motivated.


It boosts our confidence and inspires us to achieve the next thing.


By breaking goals down into smaller goals, you can bridge the gap between point A and B, whilst maintaining motivation along the way.


Think of these smaller goals as motivation pit stops.


Helping to top you up and keep you going towards the end goal.

Change Your Relationship with Failure

Most of us have an inherent fear of failure.


But it happens to us all at some point so it’s important to reframe the way we think about it.


Instead of seeing it as a negative, start seeing it as a learning experience.


A time to reflect and get better.


An inevitable part of life.


Something that really, we should be grateful for.


Because if we never failed, then we wouldn’t be provided with the opportunity to grow.


Instead of letting failures sap your motivation.


Use them as motivation to grow and get better.

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Sam is a Personal Trainer, Online Coach and Fitness Educator with background in achieving results for a variety of clients. Sam now specialises in Pain Free Performance, helping people across the world to achieve their goals safely and effectively. 

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