We sit down all day folded over a computer screen with very little time away from it.


To make matters worse, the only commute most people now have is either from the “office” to fridge, or the “office” to the sofa (Yeah… thanks Covid)


Not quite the same as running to the train station to catch the 07:15 to London bridge, walking around the office, taking a lunch break outside and repeating on the way back.


Our sofa time doesn’t quite feel as deserved as it once did…


Ideally we’d all be mitigating these with daily walks outside, breaks from the screen and a home workout regime.


Whether or not that’s you, one thing you can do more of is taking 10 minutes per day to let your body breathe!


We sit all day in all kinds of positions at the mercy of the almighty spreadsheet.


Shoulders rolled forward, hips flexed, toes balanced on the floor, neck wrenched forward; all to try and figure out that pesky formula on excel.


Sound familiar?


This can easily be a recipe for poor posture, dysfunctional movement mechanics and just general pain and/or discomfort.


The good news is that there’s plenty of things you can do at home to help with this.


Here are my top 5 mobility drills for at home, that anyone can do


FREE 10 Minute Mobility Programme

Break away from your desk and set your joints free with the 10 minute mobility programme. Don’t let your desk cause you anymore pain than it already has!

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Open Book Stretch

1) Laying flat, bend and raise one leg, raising your arm on the same side as your do

2) With your opposing arm, pull the raise knee across the body as you reach in the opposite direction with the raised arm

3) Open up your body and hold for a few second at the end

Thoracic Wall Rotations

1) In a lunge position, position your lead leg furthest from the wall


2) Keep your shoulder and arm pressed against the wall


3) Turn through the trunk, reaching with your opposing arm


4) Keep your lead leg facing forward and ensure any rotation is coming through the trunk, not the hips

Hip Rotations

1) Standing tall, raise one knee and the turn the knee out into external rotation opening up the inside thigh.


2) Once at maximum controlled external rotation, circle back and begin turning your knee inwards to internal rotation


3) Complete the circle by bringing the knee on the inside and back to start position

Lizard With Rotation

1) Start off with your hands under your shoulders and legs extend


2) Bring one leg on the outside of the arm on the same side, getting your heel and foot firmly in contact with the floor (avoid coming on to the toes


3) Rotate through the trunk, turning to the closed chain side


4) Return to the start position and repeat with the other side

Wall Slides

1) Standing pressed against the wall, arms up and back at approx 90 degree


2) Trying to keep your hands and arms pressed against the wall, slide them overhead.

FREE 10 Minute Home Mobility Programme

Break away from your desk and set your joints free with the 10 minute mobility programme. Don’t let your desk cause you anymore pain than it already has!

By providing your email you kindly agree to receive email alerts from me. I do not spam (you’re safe with me) and you can unsubscribe at anytime!

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Sam is a Personal Trainer, Online Coach and Fitness Educator with background in achieving results for a variety of clients. Sam now specialises in Pain Free Performance, helping people across the world to achieve their goals safely and effectively. 

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